Clarity Wealth Management

Clarity Wealth Management

Clarity Wealth Management offers independent financial advice, specialising in the management of investment portfolios and pensions. Our experienced Independent Financial Adviser has been providing quality advice to clients for over 25 years, and has helped clients navigate complex financial markets. Our business has evolved primarily through client recommendations. Based in Berkshire, we provide impartial, unbiased and objective independent financial advice, with a view to protecting and enhancing your wealth and sense of well-being. We pride ourselves in delivering straightforward advice and making complex decisions easy to understand. We understand that the major financial decisions you make will have significant and life changing consequences to your future.

Andy Searles, Director


QCF Level 4 - Diploma PFS, CF8 Long Term Care


Tel: 0118 9691800

We cover the whole financial services market

Whether you are seeking to build an investment portfolio, or simply creating a tax-efficient retirement strategy, we have the expertise to provide the answer.

So what makes us different?

We listen and we take time to understand your concerns, and provide a consistent and reliable service.

Impartial advice of the highest quality

At Clarity Wealth Management we invest heavily in state of the art technology, enabling us to meet your financial needs and achieve your objectives in the most cost-effective way.

This is important because there are literally thousands of different options available and we want to ensure that any investment, pension, healthcare, or insurance recommendations that we present for consideration are the most appropriate to your individual needs.

In other words, recommendations that are totally in our client's interests - not someone else's.